Big Spring Room Meeting Space
After a lengthy re-model process, the Big Spring Meeting Room space downstairs at the library is once again available for community use. The space includes space and furnishings for a maximum of 70 people, an ADA-accessible bathroom, and kitchen facilities.
Local government entities, non-profit organizations, community groups, commercial users, and private individuals have available access to The Big Spring Room on an equitable basis with a few exceptions. The room is not available for:
• meeting of partisan political or partisan religious groups
• any activity or event involving the use of tools, paint, glue, glitter, or other
materials that might damage the room, its furnishings or equipment
• any events or activities after 10:00 p.m.
• any events that would compromise the normal usage of the library, based on the judgment of the Library Board of Trustees
• any purpose or activity prohibited by local, state, or federal law
The full policies can be read by downloading this PDF:
Applications to use the Big Spring Room must be completed in full and returned to the library. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. The room may not be reserved more than three months in advance. Permission to use the Big Spring Room is non- transferable.
Fees for use of the Big Spring Room are as follows:
• $20 per use for non-profit organizations
• $30 per use for commercial entities and private individuals
• Any user that wishes to serve food or beverages (other than bottled water) and/or have access to the kitchen facilities will be charged an additional $20
Fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable in the event of cancellation by the user. Events that are cancelled because of severe weather will be rescheduled for a future date.
Download the application here and turn it in at the circulation desk, or fill out the application below and we'll get back to you to confirm availability and fee assessment. Applications are also available at the library.