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Resources for Authors and Aspiring Authors

Please note that though the sites chosen for our list have been found useful, up-to-date and reliable, the Internet is constantly changing. 

The Greeneville/Greene County Public Library and its staff are not responsible for the information found on these external internet sites. Library and library website users are responsible for their own use of the internet and are expected to act with due caution and use critical thinking when making decisions about what is found on the internet.

Authors Publish

Authors Publish

This is a great resource for writers of all genres.

Funds for Writers

Funds for Writers

Funds for Writers is primarily a free e-mail newsletter that posts contests, grants, markets, and calls for submissions, but their website has a great section on each of those categories that can
help you find new markets to pitch to. Because this list is curated, you avoid some of the scam and no-pay hobby markets.

Poets and Writers

Poets and Writers

Writing news and contests as well as help with agents and publishing!

Submittable Discover Page

Submittable Discover Page

Submittable is a manager for markets and authors to manage submissions, but this page in particular is great for discovering new opportunities to sell your writing.

The Submission Grinder

The Submission Grinder

This website started out as a way for writer’s to keep track of where they’d sent submissions to,
and is now a very good source of markets and opportunities in its own right.

The Writer's Job Newsletter

The Writer's Job Newsletter

This is another site that is really just a free e-mail newsletter with markets, calls for submissions,
and freelance job opportunities.

Who Pays Writers

Who Pays Writers

This site has authors anonymously publishing when they got
paid, how much they got paid, and how they got the job for hundreds and hundreds of different
markets. Can be a good place to check if you haven’t heard of a given publication/publishing
house before.

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