National Crossword Day Puzzle

Dec 8, 2023
Besides being National Short Story Day, this is also National Crossword Puzzle Day. Check out the link in the comments for a free crossword with a GGCPL theme that you can download and print below or solve online.
It's a very difficult crossword, because it's the first crossword puzzle Jonathan has designed, so it breaks a lot of standard crossword rules. There are silly, made-up words, and several two-letter words, and one number in a square(!). Sorry. You can find lots of other good, normal crossword puzzles at places like The New York Times (, Puzzmo (, and you can design your own or enjoy other crosswords designed by amateurs at Crosshare ( Small Print: Please note that though the sites above have been found useful, up-to-date and reliable, the Internet is constantly changing. The Greeneville/Greene County Public Library and its staff are not responsible for the information found on these external internet sites. Library and library website users are responsible for their own use of the internet and are expected to act with due caution and use critical thinking when making decisions about what is found on the internet.