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Big Spring Room re-opened! Meeting Space available!


Jun 25, 2024

After a lengthy re-model process, the Big Spring Meeting Room space downstairs at the library is once again available for the community. The space includes space and furnishings for a maximum of 70 people, an ADA-accessible bathroom, and kitchen facilities Local government entities, non-profit organizations, community groups, commercial users, and private individuals have available access to The Big Spring Room on an equitable basis with a few exceptions. The room is not available for:

• meeting of partisan political or partisan religious groups

• any activity or event involving the use of tools, paint, glue, glitter, or other

materials that might damage the room, its furnishings or equipment

• any events or activities after 10:00 p.m.

• any events that would compromise the normal usage of the library, based on the judgment of the Library Board of Trustees

• any purpose or activity prohibited by local, state, or federal law The full policies can be read by downloading this PDF:

Applications to use the Big Spring Room must be completed in full and returned to the library. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. The room may not be reserved more than three months in advance. Permission to use the Big Spring Room is non- transferable.

Fees for use of the Big Spring Room are as follows:

• $20 per use for non-profit organizations

• $30 per use for commercial entities and private individuals

• Any user that wishes to serve food or beverages (other than bottled water) and/or have access to the kitchen facilities will be charged an additional $20

Fees must be paid in advance and are non-refundable in the event of cancellation by the user. Events that are cancelled because of severe weather will be rescheduled for a future date. The application can be downloaded here:

You can also submit an application online at this link.

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